Tuesday, April 22, 2008

The Power of Positive...Blogging?

If I have one really serious fault as a writer, it's that I lack discipline. This Journal is supposed to help with that. See, even if no one reads it, by writing it down, I some how have made it real. This is called intention and is one of the easiest and most surprisingly effective forms of magic. So, last night, I decided that if I could write down my word count every day in here, then I couldn't cheat or procrastinate as much, because anyone could see that I had been irresponsible. Behold the power of public shame!! So, each entry from now on will start with a brief note about the weather (because it's interesting around here, really) and my day's word count. This will also discourage me from blogging or playing around on my favorite websites before I've gotten my work done for the day. My goal is to write at least 1500 words a day, with an absolute minimum of 1,000. This is a fairly modest goal for me, as I generally write that much in an hour or two. But it's already working! This morning I sat down at the computer and opened my Current Project and said to myself, "Oh! I so do not feel like writing today!!" But, after only ten minutes of procrastinating, I forced myself to open the file and just start writing. And lo and behold I wrote 1,754 words. Huzzah! So:
Tuesday, April 22, 2008. The weather is warm and Springy, with uncertain clouds and lots of thin golden sunshine. The foxes have been very active in the East yard and I expect the female to make a den around there soon. I hope to see her with her kits again this year, though the coyotes have been back on the hill since March. No daffodils yet, though there's some short little green grass where the snow has melted and almost all of the aspens have visible red leaf buds. I plan to go for my walk right after I post this. Word Count: 1,754.
Yeah. That works. Anyway, it looks like I'm going to be getting a lot busier soon (Eeek!). I'm not entirely sure how that will be possible, but no matter what, I'm going to keep up my current progress on the book and keep posting here too. I can do that. I don't need sleep. More fun stuff to come, but now I need to get outside before I run out of time. Sigh. Adulthood is just not all it's cracked up to be.
-Susie Haberfeld (trying to boost search results...)

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