Tuesday, May 6, 2008

My brain is running on empty...

Did you know that Amazon only lets you post in their forums (fori?) if you're a customer? Not that there's anything inherently wrong with that, but if you have something to add and don't want to use, say your mother's account to post because it's the only one you know, not having one yourself...not that I would have tried such a thing...Did I say my mother? See, I have this friend...Really, totally, completely separate person from myself, in fact friend is a strong word--I hardly know myself, um, I mean, her... ANYWAY...It's just if you actually know some information that would help the other customers, doesn't it seem wrong to restrict you? Ah heck, maybe I should do it anyway...or not...Maybe I can use someone else's identity...I mean, um...I take the Fifth...

So, I actually did 2,436 words today! The weird thing about writing is that you are sitting at the computer the whole time, not doing any physical work really, yet you come away from it utterly exhausted. I am pretty tired of writing now, actually, and I don't know what to post about, but I didn't want to miss another day. : ) The weather has been changable today, but it's still warmish. It's starting to seem like spring. The daffodils are all exposed now and have buds, but no flowers. Weird. I'm beginning to think I'll have roses by the time they bloom! (Not really...but choke-cherries, perhaps...)

I was thinking a bit about my friends from high school since I found two online yesterday. Of the four of us girls who ate lunch together every day, two are graduate students working toward Big, Important Things, one is contemplating getting a graduate degree, and the fourth dropped out of college during Sophomore year. Three guesses which one I am, and whether or not my life is significantly worse than theirs because of it. I don't even know. I feel pretty happy, though the forum on Amazon I was reading was the Fantasy one and the writer (just yesterday! I really wish I could've replied!) was saying how hard it is to find fantasy books with a kind-of New Age kind of spin. Another poster mentioned the difficulty in getting such things published, as I know first hand. Not that I would describe my work as "New Age," though I've certainly been influenced by the movement. But seriously, who publishes environmentalist, feminist, pagan literature?? : ) All of the main characters in my current project are male--do you think that will make a difference? The women are not wall-flowers either, of course, I'm writing it after all! But this project has the added drawback of being particularly dark and having the sensibility of a Greek tragedy--the main character basically destroys his own life through the mis-use of magic, and his family and world suffer the consequences for generations. OK, it's a saga...it's looking a bit like Gabriel Garcia Marquez actually (One Hundred Years of Solitude, I mean...not that it'll merit a Nobel Prize...though that might be nice...). Oh dear. I should probably stop now.


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